Transcript #024 - Women's Work

Susanne Amoraal - Healing with Women's Work (#024)

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Susanne Amoraal: [00:00:00] There are so many different techniques and so many different healers, where you are in your, let's say, healing path, that determines whether a healer is right for you at that moment or not. And I would like to invite like everyone just to feel very carefully, like, is this right for me right now? Because if you ask me, the depth of a healer, most of it has to do with how deep you are.

He or she contains himself.

Amanda Parker: Welcome to Don't Step on the Blue Bells, the podcast where personal healing and transformation takes center stage. I'm your host, Amanda Parker, and I'm a fellow seeker on the journey of personal growth. Join me as I delve into the stories of gifted healers, guides, and everyday transformations, listen in as they share their practical wisdom to enrich your everyday life.[00:01:00] 

And don't forget to hit subscribe and never miss a new episode. Welcome to today's episode of Don't Step on the Blue Bells. We're diving into the world of women's healing work with expert Susana Amoral, with years of experience guiding women to reconnect with their inner wisdom. We're Suzanne offers a fresh perspective on balancing feminine and masculine energies.

In this episode, you'll discover how to identify and release stuck energy from past traumas, explore powerful feminine archetypes, and learn practical ways to feel safe within yourself. Susana's unique approach combines energy work, body work, and visualization techniques to help women reclaim their power and embrace their true selves.

Get ready for an inspiring conversation that might just change the way that you think about healing and personal growth. Let's dive in. Susana, thank you so much for being here with us today.

Susanne Amoraal: Thank you for having me.

Amanda Parker: [00:02:00] I am really excited. I have heard your name, uh, from a mutual contact of ours, who is also a guest on the podcast not too long ago, uh, Naomi, and she was telling me all about this.

beautiful, beautiful work that you do with women. She didn't even tell me the details. All she said was, Amanda, you need to speak with her. And that's kind of all I needed. So I'm really excited to learn a bit more about what women's work actually means.

Susanne Amoraal: Well, what is what it means for me, because I'm sure there are a lot of different women, uh, women who do women's work.

But what it means for me is To really connect them with their inner wisdom, because I think that we as women, we are the bringers of the, of the new. We are the ones that are now in this time, the ones who remember the old and [00:03:00] bring it into the now. And we are very important. And when I say we, I think I mean, like, especially the feminine energy.

Because we are very familiar with the masculine energy and most of the time not the really healthy ones. So now we have to, you know, start integrating the healthy masculine energy but also the healthy feminine energy. Because that's love too, you know, so we have to kind of remember both and because I am a woman, I can really relate to that.

And I think that this is our, you know, kind of task, if you would call it like that, to start taking ownership of our healthy feminine energy. But to do that, we have to, you know, remember what it is because we're kind of forgotten.

Amanda Parker: So I have this conversation actually quite [00:04:00] often with my husband, because I use this terminology a lot of like masculine and feminine, and I'm always trying to explain, no, it's not just about man or woman, but maybe you can help clarify a bit, like, what exactly do you mean when you're talking about masculine or healthy masculine or feminine or healthy feminine, because I think we often just assume that means men and women.

Susanne Amoraal: Yeah. Well, to start with, uh, we have both. So you and I have feminine energy and masculine energy. And sometimes we have a little bit more of one than the other, but we have both. You can see it like this, like you have like an inner man and an inner woman. So often when we do an exercise during a retreat or something, we really can connect with that energy inside of us.

And you can literally see [00:05:00] How your woman looks like or your man, you know, when I started, um, because I've done this a few times, I had a very, uh, big man that I saw, you know, like a big Indian man. And he was like taking up all the space, my internal feminine, he was somewhere, you know, like somewhere gliding in the, in the sky.

I wouldn't say that that was a very healthy relationship between my Feminine and my masculine energy because like this is a way to see how they represent energy in you. And, of course, at the end, it's all the same. We call it like that to make it more easy to understand the different qualities of the energy that we have.

But at the end, in the end, it's all the same.

Amanda Parker: So there's this idea that like the masculine energy has a bit more of, I don't know, getting things [00:06:00] done. There might be more like, strategic or analytical kind of thinking in there. There's also this element that the masculine plays more of a protector role.

Susanne Amoraal: Absolutely. Yeah.

Amanda Parker: And then the feminine would be a bit more on the soft side or more intuitive or going with the flow of things or potentially more nurturing, etc. Exactly. Would you?

Susanne Amoraal: Yeah,

Amanda Parker: is that how you would describe it as well?

Susanne Amoraal: Yes. Yes, like each energy has different um qualities So what you're saying I can really like that's how I see it, too If there's a quality that you have like too much of It becomes something that is not really helpful.

And that is the same for women as for men. So too much protection, that can lead towards, you know, being control less, you know, like want to control everything. Or being too much nursing, that means that you can forget [00:07:00] yourself. You know, so like every quality has a challenge, and that's what I mean with energy, like healthy energy is the one that lifts you up and really contribute to your energy and other energy, other ones energy, and the other one is like, let's say hurt energy, the one that you use because of trauma or conditioning or whatever.

Amanda Parker: Okay, that makes a lot of sense. So one might show up more just based on life circumstances. And that's how we could potentially get out of balance.

Susanne Amoraal: Yeah. So, because when you're a man, you can have very, uh, feminine qualities, but also challenges too. You know, it depends on, on, I would say your blueprint. How did your soul came here, you know, what does your soul want to experience?

And then, um, where did you grow up? And so what did you really internalize? Because you can imagine that your father or your [00:08:00] mother figure is very important for you to, when you grow up, to know how, how women behave, how men behave. You know, how should I behave as a woman? That's what I learned from my mother.

Not necessarily very helpful, like everything, but you know, that's your first encounter with, with feminine energy.

Amanda Parker: Yeah, it's super interesting. So I know that's not the, the deeper topic we want to dive into, but I still always find it really fascinating to get an understanding of what that means as someone who has.

For most of my life had a lot more masculine energy And has only in the last couple of years really been intentionally Finding my way back into more of that intuitive, nurturing state of being.

Susanne Amoraal: And what made you do that? I mean, what, why did you make that gentle change?

Amanda Parker: Gentle? No, [00:09:00] I don't think it was a gentle shift, but I essentially, I just kept burning out.

Like I just kept burning myself out in different jobs and I kept trying to follow that flow of intuition to lead me from one place to the next and meet, met with the same challenges over and over and over and over, like I worked myself to the bone beyond what I could actually do, and then I ended up.

Yeah, just exhausted and depleted and it was kind of like, uh, you know, throwing my hands up in the air like I give up. I don't know what else to do because I know I can't do this again. Yeah. And I think for me that coincided with a time of leaving. a corporate job, so leaving the private sector, starting my own business, because I'm like, well, I'm not working for anyone ever again.

Because every time I do that, I feel unwell.

Susanne Amoraal (2): Yeah.

Amanda Parker: And I don't think I had the words [00:10:00] to describe like, I have too much masculine energy. It wasn't that at that time. It was just, wow, this really feels bad. And there has to be a different way to live. And I want to figure out what that is.

Susanne Amoraal: Yeah. So what you're describing Is not necessarily like, um, less masculine energy versus more feminine energy.

If you ask me, what you're describing is like, that you are feeling that you wanted more ownership about, uh, of what you are doing and not someone else's was telling you to do this or that. Um, like basically you wanted to, you know, expand your energy field. And maybe that, um, also implies that you wanted to experience your feminine energy more, you know, because what you describe is a very masculine energy as well.

You know, I want to do it [00:11:00] myself. I want to, I want to manifest something for myself. Yeah. So it's, you know, it's not, it's not as it's not very, it's not like the masculine is bad. Feminine is better. It's more like finding, like as a woman, finding your strength as a, as your feminine energy, your power, and then combine it with, something, um, masculine, because when we really want to manifest something, it is a masculine energy that we're, we need.

So it's kind of like, um, it's like the perfect collaboration, you know, it's like, because the feminine energy wants to create something and then she, she, you know, feels it, she knows it. And then the masculine energy, okay, he's the one who is going to, um, let's say, um, manifest it. So you need, you need both [00:12:00] for me, what, what I can relate to is what you're saying is in order to really, um, uh, feel fully connected with myself, it's very helpful to understand and connect with the feminine energy in myself, as well as the masculine energy.

And, um, I do know the masculine energy very well. Because, you know, I thought being tough, being direct, um, making jokes, you know, that like joking around, you know, that was like, okay, so this is how I can hold myself here in this society, um, along in my family, with my friends, you know, understanding things.

So, you know, I can, I can keep up with the rest. So, and I think that for a lot of people, also women, is that was a very important decision that we made unconsciously to really, uh, develop our mental field, you know, so we are appreciated because we are smart, [00:13:00] are appreciated because we're, um, thoughtful or, or successful or whatever.

But that definition of, you know, being successful in a corporate, um, environment or, um, Yeah, having like the highest degree that you can possibly get, that's changing because we are now able to see that qualities like vulnerability are also very helpful, you know, in our lives, because burning up is not the only thing that, um, that's there, you know, we can flourish if we want, but we need different, we need, need a different, um, Yeah.


Amanda Parker: So thinking about all of this, because I can really hear your wisdom already coming through on how you support women also just to understand themselves and what's happening and really get to the bottom of, yeah, what might be feeling [00:14:00] good for them and whatnot. But how would you describe your particular blend of women's work?

What does that mean in your world?

Susanne Amoraal: Like reconnect with your. True self and I I know that sounds a little bit like fake or but I mean what I mean by that is really feel safe within yourself because I think a big reason why we don't show ourselves completely is is because we don't feel safe. And um, maybe not just this lifetime, but other lifetimes are through our mother line or whatever.

We know how it is to feel unsafe. We know how it is when our boundaries are crossed, you know, when we are like, we could, we know how it feels to be powerless. And reclaiming that power, that's a very [00:15:00] scary path because it means that you have to really body, your whole body, your whole energy system. And often women just stay like, like up here, you know, maybe if you're lucky, your heart will join, join too.

But most of the time we're like very in our upper chakras, in our upper energy field, like being blissful, being, you know, the perfect partner, the perfect friend, the perfect, um, um, Um, and then, you know, but what we're actually doing is denying our own needs, you know, and we are adjusting and we are like a chameleon, no?

And that's when, that's what, you know, What keeps us safe in a way because then we don't need to stand up for ourselves. We don't need to feel um, what's going on [00:16:00] there like in in the lower body What's going on there and um taking ownership in your your energy Also up there, uh, you know, down there connection with the earth, with your basic chakra, with your feelings in your stomach, um, the pain that's there in your womb, it's like, it's a whole different league and that's, that's what we've been avoiding, you know, staying up there is, is, It's because we don't want to feel what's stored there and that's usually pain or powerless, feeling powerless, or abusive memories or, you know, so it's, yeah, I think that that's the biggest part that I, I do in my work to really, you know, like, guide them through the Let's say dark jungle of what's going on there, you know, and, and for me, it has something to do with reclaiming your own power, [00:17:00] but then fully incarnate, you know, like coming into the meat, Karna, you know, really, they feel everything.

And stay grounded because, you know, when you're, if you're a tree, if you look at a tree first, it really goes deep, deep, deep, deep, deep. And then it is able to grow, but it needs the stability. Um, to reach, you know, for the life and I think that, um, by doing that, you can restore the balance more and you can also feel safe within yourself because, you know, you can hold yourself.

Amanda Parker: Interesting point on many levels. So, on the one hand, for me, with my own, like, spiritual growth journey, I was always only reaching up. Like, I want to meditate, I want to visualize, I want to be up in the [00:18:00] clouds, and I love it, because it speaks to the whole Yeah. Creative, the visioning, like all this exciting stuff.

Yeah. And then I wonder why I like can't sit still in the morning long enough to just like be still. So there's, there's a part of me that's just almost avoiding the ground.

Susanne Amoraal (2): Yeah.

Amanda Parker: You know, and then I have to consciously remind myself, no, no, no, like touch a tree, walk on the grass, go to the park, whatever it is to continuously remember that, like.

I'm on earth. I get to actually touch it and be a part of that. Yeah.

Susanne Amoraal: Yeah. So and and do you have any idea or does it resonate what I'm saying? Why you don't want to be like here? Or maybe that's you know.

Amanda Parker: It's it's funny because that's another piece. I just had a healing session yesterday with Jodi Greenstein, who was actually on an episode very recently, she does, um, a technique called discover healing.[00:19:00] 

So it's a type of energy healing. And while I can't explain exactly how it works, aside from what she described to me and my own experience of it, um, there's a lot of like muscle testing. So it works through muscle testing, different statements. And the one that kept coming up was, uh, I can't remember the exact phrasing, but it was around like, It's not safe or I like I can never trust that I'm fully safe or I can never believe that I'm fully safe and that kept coming up over and over so as you were talking I was going, so there's a part that like doesn't feel safe to be fully present and here.

And as you said, maybe from past experiences, ancestral stuff, from my family, or depending on people's belief system who are listening, you know, this could come from past lives. I personally believe in that, so.

Susanne Amoraal: Yeah.

Amanda Parker: It resonates.

Susanne Amoraal: Yeah. So, and that's, that's okay. [00:20:00] I mean, that's why you're here for. So as long as you learn it, well, to experience it.

I mean, maybe there's no learning at all. Maybe it's just, you know, uh, experienced, um, how it feels to be not grounded, how it feels to be grounded. I think that's also part of the, um, the work I do. I like it to be fun and light. You know, because when you go down into the depth of your pain or, you know, the stuff that you haven't really felt yet, then, I mean, it's serious business, but if you make it a little bit more light, you know, with a little bit more fun and playfulness and just, you know, You know, I see the fun of it because if not, then, you know, it's easy to get in the other side of it, you know, like this is a hard life and I don't want to be here and why am I doing this?

And so for me, that's very important to really. Play with it instead of, [00:21:00] you know, taking it too seriously because no one knows exactly what we're doing here, right? Well, maybe you do, but I don't. It's like, you know,

Amanda Parker: I've got the secret to life. Ah, you

Susanne Amoraal: got it. Well, I think it's given

Amanda Parker: to me and me alone. Ah,

Susanne Amoraal: exactly.

Yeah. Well, that's, that was, that's what religions do, you know, and that's what gurus do. And, but I don't believe in that. You know, when you work with me, you get my version of the truth, and I would love to hear your version of the truth, and if everyone is sharing their version of the truth, you will get like a more clear picture of what it could be.

But then we need each other to understand, you know, so, yeah. But it's all there, and it's all true, and it's all not true, you know.

Amanda Parker: Oh my god, there's so much I want to ask about that. But what I really want to hear before I take us down too many rabbit holes, um, so I understand that [00:22:00] you, support women. I know that you do a series of retreats, for example, and you also have private healing sessions.

So what exactly does that work look like? So if someone were to come to you and they're, yeah, they're maybe not really tapped into their own inner wisdom, or they're really, like, Looking for another way forward, how would you approach that?

Susanne Amoraal: Yeah, okay. So first of all, um, when it comes to the retreat, I really like to work with women who already know the concept of energy and who already, um, know how it is to look inward.

You know, because there are a lot of people still out there pointing at someone else, you know, because he did this. I feel like this and because he did. So it's like, um, the blaming and shaming. That's not really [00:23:00] helpful. And it's not something that I would recommend. Preferably work with well, I don't work with that because that that's really lowering my energy, you know, and so the women who come to the retreat are already, like, let's say, open to whatever is happening.

Um, and they're very, uh, courageous, you know, because they don't know what's coming, but they're there. Um, so that's a good start and, uh, name of the, um, retreat is called the Holy Quest of the Mystic Woman. So it is, it's something that came to me like a few years ago and You could say I channeled it, or you could say I wrote it when I was in a flow.

Uh, anyway, it, it makes sense. There are four archetypes that we are getting into. So the first one is the innocent girl. And then we have the nurturing mother. And then [00:24:00] we have the free woman. And then we have the, um, magical wise one. And all those archetypes are in the game. in us. It's the same as what I explained with the feminine energy and the masculine energy.

It's just more to, you know, get an understanding of the different qualities of energy that we have within ourselves. So we are going to dive into that and really connect with that piece of energy. Let's say all the, it's also connected with the wind direction. It's also connected with the moon, the sun, and also even with the cycle of the women.

When you connect with. One of the archetypes, you connect with the, like a very broad energy field that that's really, you know, weaving into each other and really uplift feminine energy in yourself. And from that, we also pay attention to how is [00:25:00] your connection or how do you perceive the masculine energy or men, you know, and, um, but we also.

Experience how it is to release your anger, how it is to really go deep and visualize your, let's say, a future, or the wound healing is a very important part of it. We go deep in the experiences. And, uh, like online training, that's more where you get the general information and a few meditations to really get to familiar with the archetypes.

So it's a very, yeah, beautiful combination altogether.

Amanda Parker: It sounds it. I'm like refraining from taking notes on everything you're saying, because I know I get to listen to this. An idea that I've heard before, maybe others as well. You know, there's the maiden, the mother and the crone. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you know that concept?

Is that somewhat aligned or is, it's just different stages of a woman's life? [00:26:00] 

Susanne Amoraal: I think it's just another approach. Before I really would like to understand everything and how it fits into one box and then the other one. And then, you know, You know, so it makes sense. And now I'm like, okay, this is just a different approach.

So it doesn't, for me, it's not really important if it's the same or if it's different, it's just, you know, for me, it's very important that it resonates with you. Because if something that I say doesn't resonate with you, then it's not for you, you know, so it doesn't make it not true or more important or less important.

It's just, we're all frequency, so if it's something that you find appealing, then okay, we're, you know, we can work together. If it's something like, no, I'd rather, I get more excited when I listen to that, okay, that's fine too, you know, so that's, it's more. Like something that we're going to, if you ask me, like in the future will be, there will be more [00:27:00] networks so we can, you know, uplift each other instead of, no, I know what's true.

No, you know what you're saying? No, it's like this, or, you know. Yeah, what we talked about, like, with energy techniques, we're like, it's like, you don't own energy. It's just, okay, this is my way of working with it. So

Amanda Parker: I, I really appreciate that because I think what I've learned from doing this podcast, I mean, also my own exploration is that there's just, it just has to resonate with you.

Yeah. Like whatever the technique or the healer or the approach or the group, if it feels like somewhere you can feel at home. Then go for it, because even on the podcast, every different kind of healing ultimately has a very similar goal. Exactly.

Susanne Amoraal (2): We're all trying

Amanda Parker: to come back home to ourselves. We're all trying to feel good, to understand.

You know, what works for us, [00:28:00] and it doesn't matter which technique you choose, there's no right or wrong, there's no better or worse. No,

Susanne Amoraal: it's just one way to get in touch with the things that you want to experience. You know, or want to heal or even with or without your knowing your conscious knowing, but it's just, you know, you get, you just go with the flow and then whatever comes to you and feels right.

And yeah, but I would like to add that, you know, there are so many different techniques and so many different healers. Where you are in your, let's say, healing spiral path, that determines whether a healer is right for you at that moment or not. And I would like to invite, like, everyone just to feel very carefully, like, is this, Right for me right now, because if you ask me, especially where there's a lot of.

healers [00:29:00] offering their services right now. The depth of a healer is like, most of it has to do with how he or she contains himself. So, for example, if I, if someone comes up with me and she's pouring her heart out and it's a subject that really triggers Let's say sexual abuse, and I cannot deal with what she's saying, I cannot be there for her.

In order to be there for her, with, I need to really be okay with everything that comes up. Okay, so that means that I have to be there, have been there before her, you know, otherwise, it's not something I can hold space for. That doesn't mean that I have to have exactly the issues or thing that she has, but it's more the inner reassuring for myself that whatever comes up, I can [00:30:00] hold it, you know, because I've been there.

I know how, I know the dark jungle. I know how it is to feel pain. I know how it is to feel grief or angry or, you know, and I can stay with her. At that moment, so I don't have to look away or feel my own pain. And of course, sometimes it just resonates, you know, if there's a story about something that really resonates with me, for me, as a healer, it's very important to notice.

And then, you know, really stay in my own energy field while holding it for her. So that, that's something I think is very important to, um, when you are picking out or when you're starting on your journey or healing journey, it sounds a little bit, you know, flurry, but you know, that, um, the, um, when you are, when you're determined to go inwards in your, you find the braveness to do it, just, yeah, make [00:31:00] sure that you find the person who Will help you like in the next step because you don't need someone who can help you all the way for me It's just steps.

I think I I saw like almost every therapist in in holland Um, you know because i'm very curious and I I I think I tried every technique Um, and then sometimes you know for a year or two and then okay Another one another one. So that's how you you know, you have to kind of You They have to grow with you, you know, the ones who are guiding you.

Amanda Parker: I love that you answered the question I was about to ask before I had a chance to ask it. I was going to ask just about, you know, for those of us with shiny object syndrome, who get really excited and have a lot of curiosity and see all these opportunities and it can be really You know, you don't know where to turn your attention.

[00:32:00] And what I'm personally doing recently, because I can get carried in many directions at once, um, I once had a medium give me a reading. It was years ago. I ended up training with her after. But she's like, you know, I'm just being told that You know, spirituality is not like an amusement park where you just go here and then here, and it's like you're trying all the different rides.

Um, I mean, it can be, of course, because there's fun in that exploration. And I think, for me, it also helps create a space that I can have those conversations, because I've tried it, or I know a bit about it, or I have a nuance, but really recognizing who's showing up in my life now. Who's just here? Where is it easy?

Where does it feel like it's easy to say yes, versus maybe having to work hard to find the healer or the training or whatever it is. That [00:33:00] might be a very different journey.

Susanne Amoraal: Yeah, because you know, you know who is right for you right now. And it could also mean that right now it, it's the best thing that you can do is just sit by yourself.

You know, it depends on where you're at. So, yeah, but you know, if you, like I, maybe that's the first step. You know, going towards that reconnection with your deeper self or your higher self or whatever is to really pay attention to what you're feeling in your body because there's an impulse, you know, that's also like a very feminine energy.

You know, like, ah, yes, I, I, I can feel something is moving inside of me. And then, you know, taking actions, that's actually the masculine energy, you know, taking it into matter, but you know, you know, when something is right for you. Yeah.

Amanda Parker: So I'd love to know, what is it that [00:34:00] guided you to like specifically supporting women?

Susanne Amoraal: Hmm. Well, what comes up is like. There are many, many things to say about this, but what comes up is that for a year I was like in a sisterhood. So we, we came together like every month and we did different kind of exercises and we did a lot of feminine stuff. And, um, and, uh, I know at one point we were, Uh, we were planning to, uh, move to Spain, which we eventually did, but we, before we came like in the house that we are right now, we find a property, a property that was like very big.

And we thought we could turn it into a retreat location and it had 90 acres. It was like huge. And then, you know, somehow I, I could really feel like [00:35:00] whoo, this is too much. This is a lot. This is, you know, I don't know if I can carry this. And then she said, she said, okay. We lightworkers, and I don't really like the term, but I got what she meant.

We think that we have to carry everyone's weight on our shoulders. I hear that sentence, like, very often. Okay, so I think I have to put this weight on my shoulder, like the misery of the whole world. And then I thought, okay, this is not something lightworkers do. Um, but this is something especially women do.

So there was like a, like an eye opening for me, like, okay, if it works for me, then I know it worked for a lot of my friends, for a lot of my clients. So that's when I thought, okay, I really want to dive into that. Before that I had experiences in a family constellation where I really. reclaimed my [00:36:00] own place in the system, you know, really getting into my mother's line.

And that was so deliberated. And so I felt so free and so powerful. And yeah, I thought, okay, this is something that I really, I think it's necessary and I really enjoy the, the subject, you know, I really, I really love, love this theme because it's, yeah, it's everywhere.

Amanda Parker: I, I love that, um, everything that you've been sharing with us, you know, this is really aligned.

Like you just know, you feel it, it feels like the right thing in the right moment and you followed that. I'm sure there were many nuances to that journey and how you got there. And maybe it didn't always feel that way in the moment. Um, but in the end, it sounds like this was just calling you and it was persistent enough.

You kept coming across it that you said, okay, like I'm taking on this challenge. Let's see where it goes.

Susanne Amoraal: Oh, and it feels easy. So I think [00:37:00] that's one of the signs as well. Because it's not hard. I mean, I love this, you know, I'm very, very interested and I don't see myself as like a really a specialist, but I, I like doing special things, you know, so it's like, this is easy for me and I, there's so much more to discover.

So, and I think as well, it's very important for the collective as well as that we as women really reclaim our power and really, you know, rise up from our victimhood and really, you know, Maybe not do, but remember our worth.

Amanda Parker: What would you say is like a common misconception about what you do, or what people often misunderstand about the work you do?

Susanne Amoraal: That's a funny question, because, um, here in Spain, I try to explain in Spanish what I do, and then I say I'm an energy worker, and, but I say it in Spanish, and they're like, oh, so you work with the electric.

Susanne Amoraal (2): [00:38:00] Um,

Susanne Amoraal: but I think that the most, well, you know, often people don't have a clue what I'm doing and, um, but that's fine.

Um, and I think the biggest misperception is that I know everything. You know, so that, okay, because I work with women, I do the healing. I did a, that means that, you know, how to, you know, get your life in order, like perfectly fine. And although sometimes it appears like that, it's not, I mean, it's still a bumpy road now and then, yeah, I guess that's the most.

Maybe not about my work, but about me, you know, I still have questions. I still have issues, but I can see, like, when I started, when I was 25, so it's like 15 years ago, it was like a bump. It was like highs and lows, so I could really feel the, the depth of my, my [00:39:00] pain. And I could also really feel the, the high bliss of who, you know, being an angel and talking to them and all that kind of stuff.

But now I, you know, like as the years were following and my, my growth continued, I feel more that inner balance, that inner peace. So for me, it's more easy to get in line with the, yeah, with myself, with like, actually with, I think like with the and, uh, Or the earth, and the sun, and the light, and the dark, and it's more welcome.

You know, like everything is more welcome. I don't think that really answers your question, but.

Amanda Parker: I think the framing that people don't often understand what the work means, because I think that's just common, you know, I want to ask you for details, and I'm going to try anyway. No, but it's, it is that, like, you know, we want to understand, and that's the logical part of our mind that needs to.

[00:40:00] Um,

Susanne Amoraal: but I don't think that that's a bad thing that you want to understand, because especially with spirituality, it's sometimes it's very helpful to understand what's, what's happening. You know, because if you understand, you can also feel if it resonates, if it's all right for you, you know, because if you don't understand, and sometimes, of course, you can surrender, but, you know, we started off with feeling safe.

And a part of feeling safe is also knowing, you know, what, if this is okay or not, and logic helps. I think that where we are now is that people don't even know what the words that we are using mean, you know, so it's like, [00:41:00] maybe it's not a lack of interest, but it's not, it's just they're not there yet to, to add those words, those possibilities into their, uh, into their world.

And that's fine, you know, but then it's, it will be something that still is a little bit strange or, you know, scary.

Amanda Parker: I don't remember what year, but it was early on in my journey of like becoming a healer, becoming a coach that I was working with someone and we were working through a series of like visualization and meditation and also like coaching.

And I remember. It was clear, I mean, she had her whole own practice and spiritual beliefs and everything, and At some point, I remember the conversations, there was a point where what she was saying was so common sense to her and so off putting to me because I just wasn't there. And it was really like something to [00:42:00] do with believing in, I don't know if it was the universe or something greater or like God or something and I was like, I'm never coming back here again.

Susanne Amoraal (2): It was like

Amanda Parker: so off putting because I wasn't there, it wasn't my language, it wasn't where I was in my journey. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure I've done that with coaching clients as well, like not meaning to where I'm just speaking in my own way and they're like, well, that was strange. I'm like, Oh my God. Because you can only pick up and take in what you're ready to and what makes sense for you in that moment.

Susanne Amoraal: Because sometimes I have a session like, uh, like, uh, for me, it was like a very clear, profound, deep reading session. And then when I hear back what they got from it. I was like, is this all you got? Like, okay. But that's, yeah, you know, and then just let it go. Um, because it's not, it's not up to me to decide where you are, um, where you're [00:43:00] at, you know?

And it's kind of like, but that's one of the reasons why I love to work with people who can at least understand what I'm saying. Um, At a, to a certain level or even more, you know, like they add things that I can learn from, but, um, and they're just open to, you know, the possibilities and that's why I think it's so important, like the work Naomi does, for example, like people, when people are really, um, in touch with themselves.

And like every coach or every healer does what is resonating, um, with, with themselves. And they are very aligned with the work they're doing. Then, uh, you know, you have all those puzzle pieces that come together because, you know, Joe is going there and Silvie is going there, you know, and then it works out, you know, because we don't need the same.

We need different, Things in different times. So that's how [00:44:00] we can uplift each other.

Amanda Parker: And just for the listeners to know, who maybe didn't tune into Naomi's episode, or will do it now, she works with helping get people in touch with their own purpose. So she does. Leadership coaching and aura readings and help people to really see she doesn't call it purpose though.

She calls it talents I believe yeah, they get in touch with their core talents and what's going to help guide them. So touching on The point of like what people actually get out of the sessions because I find this really fascinating I still remember an astrology reading that I had had in 2011. And I remember everything that he told me and I was not ready to hear it.

I was angry when I got off the call. I was really like frustrated. He had told me the relationship I was in wasn't going to work. And I was like, screw you, you know? And I had just gotten like what I thought was [00:45:00] like My dream job and he's like, yeah, not really and everything he was saying and I was like, my God, like, what is this, but I just found that notebook, like a few weeks ago, and I could read it again and go, Oh, my God, and see how much influence that it still had.

And how many of those things were true. So even if someone only got the These external pieces. It's still there. Same

Susanne Amoraal: for me. Yeah. And, and, you know, we are not like as a, when I do a reading, when I give a reading, I don't know what I'm saying. Like most of the time. So why I'm saying it now, but before I start, I always ask like the, my spirit guides or, you know, a lot more energies to really.

Only say what's necessary right now, you know, what's helpful for the other person. And then it's not up to me whether [00:46:00] it's, um, fully integrated now or later, you mean, you know, because, well, that's another philosophic topic, but you, I mean, time doesn't really like exist as we know it. So it's like, You cannot say if it's, if it works or not, or when, or, you know, it's just, it's happening or, or not.

The way I see it is once you put loving attention to energy, it will move anyway. So, sometimes you may not notice it in the outer world, but some things shift.

Amanda Parker: So could you say, just because you've referenced this now, um, what does it mean to have a reading with you?

Susanne Amoraal: So sometimes there's a topic, like a theme that you really want to dive into.

Let's say a relationship or work thing, or even a physical symptom that you have. What we'll do is then we just dive [00:47:00] into what you haven't seen yet. We make the invisible visible. So that could mean that I will talk to, I can hear something, or I see something. Most of the time, it starts with your aura, your aura.

But and then we just go into a story and that could be like it could feel like a movie sometimes It's like yeah, and then but there's so much written richness in images because that is something that That speaks to like a different part of your brain and that's also where the creativity is And that it's just more open so besides words, it's very nice to have a pictures to have a view of, you know, what it could look like.

And, um, the way I see trauma is stuck to energy. For example, I'm not going to, but when I look at your aura, it's like I can see a lot of [00:48:00] light. I can see a lot of light or, you know, like transparency. But there are always as long as you will live, there will always be stuck energy like clutters, you know, so that that's like energy that's frozen from childhood, from earlier experiences from something that happened recently, that doesn't really matter, but generational, you know, so it's, you don't know how it's how it gets there, but it is there.

And once you put loving energy An attention to that energy that is stuck, it will move eventually. So, and that stuck energy, sometimes an image, sometimes it's words, sometimes it's a feeling. So it, that depends. The aim is to get the energy that's not connected to the whole. a little bit more loose so it can merge into the rest of [00:49:00] your energy system.

So, and there you, you can call it soul retrieval. You can call it trauma healing. You can call it, you know, but this is how I look at trauma. So I do body work as well. And that's the same thing, but then you use the body as a entrance. So they're just different ways to work with energy.

Amanda Parker: So essentially someone would come in, they'd have a challenge or struggle that they're looking for support with, or maybe they want answers, whatever it is, and they're lucky enough to cross paths with you, and then you will bring, well, yeah, and You will bring just your different toolbox to the table for that session to either give them a reading or figure out or when I say give a reading it's like channeling information or insight or wisdom that they need to know or see where stuck energy might be and help them move that.

Susanne Amoraal: Yeah, because at the end, they are [00:50:00] the ones who are healing themselves. So I'm just Being present, you know, with everything I know I'm, I'm present, but I will ask the question. I will guide you and share what I see. But at the end, you are the one who needs to feel what it needs to be. I cannot do that for you.

I can be there for you, but I cannot feel the hurt, the pain, you know, so that is, this is really a corporation, the way I see it, like, every healing that occurs is, it's not. It's not like a switch you turn on or off. It's something that your energy system needs to want to, you know, because you can, you can want it with your mind, you know, like I want this now and I'm ready for this now.

And then your system is like, hell no, maybe later or the [00:51:00] other way because, um, I do, I, I also give like, If you want to do a reading, then we do it like, uh, like we do now. So it's like we go online and then we see each other. And then, but if you want to deep dive, you can come here for a private retreat.

And then we go like two days. Like, well, three days. But then you will walk down, you will walk away as a different person because this is that, then your, you know, your system needs a little time to re integrate everything that happens, but it's a good shakeup. And um, there was a woman here and she, she had lung problems for a long time.

So she, you know, was coughing, she had pain in her chest and that was like for years. So chronical pain, that's the most interesting pain there is because that's like, That it already had time enough to really, you know, stuck together and [00:52:00] it acts, you know, so this is chronical pain is like a very interesting topic.

Anyway, she was, she was lying here in our medicine house and she, I don't know, something triggered her and I put my hand on her chest and then the energy started moving. And although I was there to really hold the space. And I could hold like a very, you know, broad space for her. She could go deep. So a lot of things happened and I cannot really, you know, recall actually what happened.

But then she was the, the afternoon she was kind of feeling sick, throwing up, you know, everything came out of her system. And then the other day she was like, well, what happened? I don't feel pain anymore. You know? So it's like, sometimes the system is just ready. And I always say whenever someone is calling me for a session or [00:53:00] is applying for the retreat, it already starts.

The process is already starting.

Amanda Parker: Yeah, I, I love that. Also, that reminder, um, I often think that in like the coaching space as well when someone gets in touch, like they're already doing the work. They're already asking for the help and showing up and whether we have like a paid relationship or not actually doesn't matter.

Um, the work has already begun. The money, like I really believe, at least in my line of work, the money, the investment, the like the commitment that you're putting on the table is a huge piece because you're. You're making an investment in who you want to become and you're literally saying, you know what, I'm going to get this, I'm going to make sure that this happens, which is a whole other healing process on its own, but I love that reminder that once they reach out, once that first connection happens, you're sitting there going, uh huh, [00:54:00] just wait, and they're thinking, oh, maybe I'll do it, maybe I won't.


Susanne Amoraal: exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I love the way you put it. It's like, it's like, um, like self, it's an act of self love when you are willing to, you know, go, go that road because you know, it's not easy, but you know, like at the end, it will bring you something that you, you couldn't imagine before, but that's also, you know, the hard part of, um, telling what we are doing.

Because you don't know, you don't know what's going to happen. If you will see what the healing brought you or yeah, you don't know.

Amanda Parker: So I know we're, we're just about at the end of our time here. Um, I would love to just ask one more question about what healing means to you.

Susanne Amoraal: For me, I have the image [00:55:00] that of what I just explained about the energy becoming part of the whole again.

It's not that it's not part of it before, but it's more isolated. So when the stuck energy is able to flow into the rest of the energy, it will, you will feel more whole, you know, like there will still be parts that you are, um, you don't want to see, or you don't want to feel, but less and less, because you've looked at it.

And by looking at it, Um, and sometimes you need to look like thousand times and sometimes you just need to look like once, but, but giving it loving intention, it will just merge into the rest of your system. Sometimes you can do this in this lifetime. Sometimes you, you know, it's, you come with a very heavy package from other experiences.

And sometimes you just have like, um, like in between life, you know, like an [00:56:00] easy life. And you don't have to do all this shit. You can just relax. It's okay, not in this lifetime. You know, and then you have another purpose in the, or or contribution in the collective. Because, you know, you don't always need to do something.

I was thinking if I just stop doing this work and just go into work in my kitchen garden and be happy. And if something triggers me or something's hurting me, then I'll do my healing and then, you know, just live. Then I'll be doing enough, you know, and maybe I'm saying this, I'm saying this for me, but also for the women who are listening and think that they're not doing enough, they're not as good as a mother, as they should be, or You know, or they're just dismissing themselves in a relationship, you know, that's not good for them.

You don't need to do More you don't need to do your best. You just be true [00:57:00] to yourself and see if you can find the courage to Really honor your your eye, you know your your yourself because doing that That means that you are building up the energy more in, into your pelvic area, you know, so you can really feel your feet and feel more secure and feel more carried.

And you don't have to do it alone. You are capable of living your own life. You don't need to please anyone. Not even your mother. I mean it. You know, you can just be you and, and the rest has to take it or not and then that's what it is.

Amanda Parker: So for anyone who's listening and wants to get in touch or learn more, how can they find you?

Susanne Amoraal: Uh, well, I have a website, um, www. suspec. com So that's my name. I will send it to you so [00:58:00] you can put it down. I will put it on the

Amanda Parker: show notes. Yes.

Susanne Amoraal: Dot com. And also they can follow me on my Instagram or LinkedIn. Okay. Great.

Amanda Parker: And they can sign up for either a retreat or a private healing or any of the other beautiful offerings that you have from the website, right?


Susanne Amoraal: Exactly.

Amanda Parker: Are there any last parting words, anything that you. Wish you had mentioned, but I didn't give you the chance.

Susanne Amoraal: I have a question, not just for you, but also for the women who are listening just to, I'm just curious how, how you, if you like it, that you're a woman, you know, how is it for you to be a woman?

It's just a fun question to think about, or maybe you have an answer. I don't know.

Amanda Parker: Well, I don't want to skew the audience. So definitely reflect on that and come up with your own answer. I definitely love what I will call, so my own description of being a woman [00:59:00] as sort of this playfulness. And there's like a balance for me between the professional, smart, woman and this almost childlike wonder and awe.

And I love to play, play dress up. See how I'm even describing it. Like I love to get dressed up and do my hair and wear flowy dresses. And I just find a lot of playfulness and curiosity. Um, and a lot of freedom in that, in being a woman. That I can just do that with abandon, and not have to think twice.

Susanne Amoraal: I love that.

And I wish that for every woman. I do. Because that's, you know, that's, that's That's nice to feel, to get in contact with that energy.

Amanda Parker: Well, Susana, thank you so much for sharing the work that you do and helping us understand a [01:00:00] bit, especially for those who are new to this kind of work and what it means to do this women's work.

Um, so much. Really, the programs that you're offering sound incredible, so, and I know from hearing of others experiences that they're really powerful, so I really just appreciate you taking the time to come and share with us today.

Susanne Amoraal: Thank you so much for listening to me and, uh, being there, holding the phone.

Yeah. Thank you. And to

Amanda Parker: everyone who's tuned in, thanks for listening to this week's episode and see you next time. Thanks for tuning in to today's episode of Don't Step on the Blue Bells. If you enjoyed this conversation, please give the podcast a five star rating wherever you listen and don't forget to hit subscribe and follow along so you never miss a new episode.