Transcript #020 - Healing Beyond the Brain

Blue Star - Healing Beyond the Brain (#020)

· Podcast

#020 - Blue Star - Healing Beyond the Brain - Episode Transcript


Blue Star: [00:00:00] Everything in nature has its own way of communication, and you can tune in on that. And this is how you reach your own multidimensionality, because we can alter our own vibration to where a plant, a tree, the sea, the ocean, the water, the fire. They all have their own language. And suddenly the world is no longer the world as I thought it was.

Amanda Parker: Welcome to Don't Step on the Blue Bells, the podcast where personal healing and transformation take center stage. I'm your host, Amanda Parker, and I'm a fellow psychologist. Seeker on the journey of personal growth. Join me as I delve into the stories of gifted healers, guides, and everyday people who have experienced remarkable transformations.

Listen in as they share their practical wisdom to enrich your everyday life. And don't forget to hit subscribe and never miss a new episode. [00:01:00] Welcome to today's episode of don't step on the blue bells. I'm here with a very special guest blue star, who is such a remarkable teacher of spirituality and healer and has often been called a shaman.

And I am so honored to be able to have this conversation and really learn more about some of the powerful and magical work that you're doing in the world. So, Blue Star, thank you so much for agreeing to be here with me today. Thank you so much for having me. We were connected through A mutual contact of ours who I only met actually last year and who has already had quite a profound impact on me.

And she was quite insistent, no, you need to speak to Blue Star. I know that there's something there that you're really going to connect on. So I'm happy that Naomi has put us in [00:02:00] contact with one another. Me too. So I know that you have a wealth of experience and it was quite difficult to decide what was going to be the best conversation that we could actually have today.

But in our conversations, what I realized is something that's really prevalent in the world and in your world of work at the moment is a lot of this fear that is happening throughout the world. Yes. And so today we're going to be talking a bit about what that fear is and how we can actually work with that and actually move through it.

Blue Star: As an eternal spirit, connected with eternal spirit, we have this amazing body. And in evolution, it took millions of years before we have this beautiful body. We had [00:03:00] ancestors, we all have ancestors, and they wanted to save their lives in a difficult situation. So when there was a sound that they didn't know, It could be an animal that would like to eat them.

What happened was, there was a survival mechanism, uh, coming up in the evolution, to save the body. And this survival mechanism is fear. When does fear come up? That is when there's something we don't know, it clicks in. So the trigger is when something you don't know, suddenly there is this survival mechanism and you have the stress hormones to run away because it could have been, at the time, a lion.

The fear, the survival mechanism clicks in. And [00:04:00] the brain, which is an organ that can talk to itself, I will explain that later, takes over and says, Oh, what could this be? And then we make the most incredible scenarios because we are creative people. And we give more and more and more and more fear of all our scenarios, you know, and the thing is, we can bring ourselves into a panic.

And nothing is going on. But you have completely identified with fear. So this is how the shamans see it. When you register fear, the only thing you have to say is Oh, there is fear, and I don't have to do anything with it. There's something I don't know, and that's okay. Nobody ever explained the survival mechanisms that we have in the body that we [00:05:00] live in.

And we identify with it. And the moment you say, I am afraid, and you bring in all the scenarios, Then suddenly you are not happy.

Amanda Parker: I think that's going to resonate with a lot of people who are listening because we have so much access to information and news and world events and things that are happening in the world.

So in the past, we might've been afraid of the lion, which is a very justified fear. But now people are also afraid of things that May never even touch the soil where they live, but there's so much access to things to be afraid of. Yes. How exactly would you define fear in this situation?

Blue Star: This has more to do with [00:06:00] injustice and you see there is injustice and there is in the human being, this great love.

for the world and for others to have a good life. So I absolutely believe in the goodness of us all. Of course, fear has the other side of it, is being at peace with yourself and being at peace in your world. And if you feel that the peace is being threatened for yourself or for others, then you want to make a balance.

And often you cannot, certainly not when it is happening somewhere else in the world. So what you do then is you register the injustice, And you ask yourself, is there something I can do here to make it better? And if [00:07:00] there is nothing you can do, you just say, I send my light. There's nothing I can do. And then you let it go.

Because your biological energy you need for yourself. And for living. And of course, we have great compassion for others. And you know, you make your wish, you do your prayer, you could say in a way, and then you let go, because it is Uh, not the idea that you start worrying about something you cannot do anything about.

Amanda Parker: I love that framing that this is about the desire for others to have that good life, to genuinely want well for others. It's a beautiful reframe from what I just said, which was that this is fear based. And I think a lot. Yeah, I just see it a lot in my world and I know I have fallen to this [00:08:00] many times as well where You don't always know what's yours to do So there's a lot of pressure on social media or just in modern society that you should speak up more, you should do more, there's a lot of this sort of noise out there.

And what you're saying, what I'm hearing that you're saying is that actually we, the most powerful thing and empowering thing we can do is recognize what is ours to do, what we can actually control. And. Let go of the rest because otherwise we just deplete our own personal power and energy.

Blue Star: I do not, uh, say push it away.

I say you acknowledge there is injustice. And then for yourself, you can look from, is there something I can do? That's all. And not everybody you could [00:09:00] say has the, um, let's say vibration to do, to do whatever you need to do. So there are journalists, they write about it, so we know. And our filmmakers, they registered this is happening, so the world knows.

We are all in this together. And that is the thing. It is not a thing that is over there. You know it is also part of our world, so it is my world. And I love everybody, in principle. And here it comes. The person is beautiful, but the behavior is not always beautiful. You know, so, love can always be there.

But please Change your behavior, and this is a thing I help people also with trauma, and one of the things that was very difficult, that was, for example, a [00:10:00] problem with sexuality, when somebody is abused. Now, the thing here is, do not stop love, but the behavior is not okay. Because when you stop loving the other, you stop loving it in yourself.

And then it is a double, uh, pain. So, I found out that, uh, when we can really discern from love is. But behavior can be corrected, and you can work with it.

Amanda Parker: That reminds me of, well, it's a lot of what I teach just in my coaching work about What we see and observe in others is a mirror for what's happening within.

So, looking at it from the perspective that you're sharing, it's the moment that we start, I, I don't know, hating someone or making them wrong or bad, we're also cutting [00:11:00] that off within ourselves.

Blue Star: Yes. And it is a vibration that is not good for your own body. And this is what people forget that when you start hating or judging, you take away your personal freedom and it has a vibration that is really not beneficial for the body that you live in and you feel your heart going down and et cetera, et cetera.

And we are not aware that we are the ones making ourselves sick. So what you can do for yourself is that you, in your world, stays in balance. And for that, we need to be aware of where we are, of what is going on. So there is, um, like I was taught by, um, what we call a person who knows, and came on my path.

And the [00:12:00] first things that I was taught, we have. The stories of evolution and with the stories of evolution, you learn how to deal with it. So we all like to be in our center and peaceful, but sometimes things happen that we who are being thrown out of our inner center. Now, the first one, of course, is fear.

You suddenly identify with the fear and everything that can happen to you. And then, um, you make yourself afraid even more. And so you're out of your center. And the ancient shamans, they call it the sickness of the evolution. So you don't have to take it personally. It is just the sickness of the evolution.

Now the other, the second sickness of evolution is doubt. [00:13:00] Oh my gosh, did I make the right decision? Couldn't I have done this? Should I, you know, and you lose all your energy in going into doubt. So actually it is also a sickness of evolution. Now the third one is, you have decided I'm going to do this and this and this.

Beautiful journey, your plane isn't going, and you're totally panicked. What can I do now? So it is, we call that the sickness of surprise. Because it throws you out of your center. Now the fourth one is something we do not like to think about. Because we all think we are here forever, but apparently we are not.

Uh, we hear a lot about death, uh, but we never think it will happen to us. But when it happens [00:14:00] suddenly, a lover suddenly has an accident, you know, then this is actually, you're perplexed. Oh my gosh, you know, and this is also a sickness, we call it the sickness of perplexity, because you never embraced that it could happen to you.

Now the thing is that when it happens, and you can say, oh, now I'm in the sickness of perplexity, and then you embrace your grief, or you embrace whatever, but you are not lost. It doesn't eat you up. You still have a sense of self. And you say, yeah, I hadn't seen this one coming. And you are, you love yourself.

You're compassionate with yourself and the others because the person that goes is free from here and you need to go [00:15:00] on. And how do you do that? And that is by embracing yourself. and see where you are in time and space. And

Amanda Parker: thank you for describing those four illnesses. That gives me a lot of context as well.

And for anyone who's listening in now who might be experiencing grief. So let's say that scenario has taken place where you've lost someone really close to you. Yeah. And you're facing the so called illness of perplexity. You mentioned that It's really in, I might get this wrong, but really in coming back home to yourself or reconnecting to yourself, that you're able to move through that.

What does that actually mean for someone who's experiencing grief? How do you move through this perplexity? The thing is that, um,

Blue Star: we can shift our attention. So if your attention is completely on the loss of somebody you loved so [00:16:00] much, um, you Then your brain is going to fix on it. And you're going to be completely in this loss and it can take at least nine months then to come out of it.

So there's nine months of not living. The thing is what we do not, um, understand what is death actually. We are living in this beautiful body and there is a certain time span and we can lengthen it by, uh, taking care of it. There comes a moment that the spirit of life that is all around us and that has its own momentum, the body cannot carry that spirit of life anymore.

And you, yourself. You go on, because we all have what the [00:17:00] aboriginal people say, you have yourself an eternal song line. So you were never born and you will never die. The essence of what you are is spirit. Now the thing is that your loved one has that too. Also, his or her eternal spirit, but the body couldn't handle it anymore, you know?

The other one, you could say, is moving on, on his eternal journey, and you will terribly miss him or her. And you own that, because grieving is because you love so much, and that's, that is beauty. And to say fun, I loved him or her so much. And then at the same time knowing that person is moving on, on his eternal journey, and of course you, you grieve.

That's all right. And that [00:18:00] goes in waves, but at the same time, you know, The eternal part doesn't stop, and neither does my eternal part stop, and then you have for those who are, yeah, the shamans, the mediums, uh, that you can still have a conversation, uh, that is, that is not a fantasy, you

Amanda Parker: can. That is something I think a lot of people are uncertain about or haven't always been exposed to.

So I know in my own studies of this world, I believe in this. I know this is possible. I've had conversations myself. And I think a lot of people are Let's say skeptical. Maybe they've never had an experience of that themselves until they do, you know. So I find that always fascinating because I speak with a lot of different people with different belief systems and even the most, let's say rigid or, you know, [00:19:00] really focused on the here and now and they're very earthly world.

are curious. They want to believe in the magic. They want to know there's something more. So even if maybe they don't yet know if they believe in an afterlife or have been taught that that doesn't exist, that we reincarnate or come back onto earth or anything else. I've never met someone who is just adamantly against it or against the possibility that reconnecting with someone you love even after they've left their body is possible.

Yes. So something that you mentioned when you were speaking is that we have the ability to change our experience or change how we're feeling. I think you said through the way that we talk to ourselves or through that inner conversation that's going on. It has again, again

Blue Star: to do with that we do not know, uh, in what kind of body or beautiful [00:20:00] organic system we actually live.

We learn about arithmetics and history, but we do not learn about what is this amazing body? Of course we learn about the organs and what they do, but we do not learn about what is the brain actually. If you look again in evolution, Then you see that the development of the brain was bigger and bigger and got bigger, you know, even that our mouth and faces were changing so that the brain could fit.

which is one of the problems of breathing, actually. There's not enough space for breathing. The mouth gets smaller. It's, it's amazing. This brain, in evolution, then, it got so big that at a certain moment, there was a moment of [00:21:00] what we call critical mass. Now, have you ever seen a bucket with water? And there's so much water that there is like, the water is going like this a little bit.

And then, this is critical, huh? And there is one extra drop, poof, and suddenly the water flows over. Well, this happened with the brain. In that poof moment, the brain could start talking to itself. It became conscious of itself, and this is the basis of what we call the internal dialogue, and we call it AI.

Now I have a very funny, uh, thing. This came actually from, uh, Krishnamurti in the past, and he says, okay, here I am, and now I'm giving a real, real difficult problem to my brain, and to the same brain I say, solve it.

[00:22:00] You know what happens? You go crazy. You go in circles. You go in loops. Endlessly. And you go in fixation. Now, and this is, this is the thing. We go in fixation. When there's something not solved, then we go in fixation and we keep on, yeah, but maybe I should have, uh, uh, uh, and if I do this and, but it's fixation.

It is the brain talking to itself. You lose a lot of energy on that.

Amanda Parker: Yeah.

Blue Star: And you still think it is you, but it is an impossible thing. And this is fixation also on the brain. So you give your life in the hands of your own brain, and the brain should be there to help you, but not taking over. And then there is this terrible, what I call a bit of a terrible thing, and that is, of course, we live in communities and we have certain rules.

And [00:23:00] suddenly, you identify with the rules and then you think you are not good enough, not beautiful enough, not thin enough, not whatever. But these are social rules, has nothing to do with who you are. You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are a wonder. You are a spirit temporarily in a body. I mean, we are literally, uh, absolute.

Miracle. And then we have learned in society to judge ourselves. It's so painful to see young people judging themselves on social rules and they cannot see the beauty that they are. Well, the brain is an amazing organ. But it should not rule you, or it should help you. Yeah. Yeah.

Amanda Parker: So if someone is coming to you and you have the sense that their [00:24:00] brain is working overtime, let's say, I mean, for example, a woman who I was working with in a coaching setting just yesterday.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Had a situation. It didn't go how she wanted. She spent a week and a half ruminating, basically, just going over and over and over. And from her description was just able to pull herself out of that. So if someone were to come to you, Blue Star, and say, I don't even know what's going on.

They're in the midst of this over analysis. What would you do? How would you support them? Well, the thing

Blue Star: is, in the meantime, you have stress hormones really screaming through your body. So, it makes no sense to talk to a person who is full of stress hormones. So, what you do, you take a Tibetan bowl.

Amanda Parker: Boong!

Blue Star: And, you know, you just add the sound of the [00:25:00] bowl or the sound of the gong. Or the sound of the drum, you know, takes over of the babbling of the brain then. So then you can bring a person back into its peace. Because talking when somebody is so, uh, in stress makes no sense. So you need to see what is possible.

People under stress hormones cannot listen. It's too many stress hormones. So bring them down. And then calm down, you know, it's okay, uh, I'm there, we, we will get out of this, but calm down, it's all right, you know, so you kind of, um, for, oh, okay, she knows what we are doing, and even if you have no idea, Doesn't matter, the brain needs to come down, the stress hormones need to go down, and then at a [00:26:00] certain moment you feel, okay, now we can move on.

Amanda Parker: That sounds like a relief, like listening to what you're describing really feels like, because imagine, I mean, I'm imagining for myself if I'm in a situation and I'm overthinking and I'm stressed and someone comes with advice. Or they come in to try to help me figure out what to do next. It's just adding on to already compounded stress.

Yes. So you're actually taking them completely out of that realm through sound or vibration using the Tibetan singing bowls or drums or other tools like that. And it brings them just completely out of that headspace. Yes,

Blue Star: exactly. And if you notice for yourself you are in that space, then start singing or put on music that you like, you know, so you help yourself to calm down and [00:27:00] be gentle to yourself.

It's okay even if we are, you know. And of course you cannot handle another person who means well, you know. God, we all mean so well. Yeah, but you don't need it. Besides, you didn't ask for it, you know, but people want to help. And that's sweet.

Amanda Parker: And we all have been there. This is also really fascinating when someone finds themselves in that situation.

You say, okay, so, sing, listen to music. I was going to add and dance around the living room because I do that often. Yes, absolutely. How else can you calm yourself in those moments when you start to realize either your mind is on overdrive or you're no longer in control of what you're feeling?

Blue Star: Go to the gym, you know, start running.

Walking, uh, do exercises, dancing. So you've got to distract [00:28:00] yourself. That's, the stress hormones come down. And if you are too long in the situation with stress, then the stress hormones make the body acid. And from that, in the end, you make your body sick, you know, and we don't even know that we have done it ourselves.

Because this is an incredible, beautiful, biological machine. But we have not learned that what you think is not you, it's just a thought.

Amanda Parker: Mm.

Blue Star: And we identify with what we think and, and believe. And here we should ask ourselves, oh, is this really true?

Amanda Parker: So this reminds me a bit of the book by Michael A.

Singer. I'm not sure if you're familiar with him, The Untethered Soul. No, I don't know him. It's, it's a beautiful book. It's, it was a very profound, yeah, something that I found really, really interesting. A few years ago on my journey, but I think he [00:29:00] opens up. I don't know if it's the first chapter or the third chapter, and it's really this.

Inquisition about who is talking to me, who is that voice that keeps talking? Like what are they saying? Where do they get their authority? And really starting to identify that this voice that we keep hearing over and over and over. It's not actually you and it never shuts up

Blue Star: unless you tell it to shut up.

Sometimes that helps. Good. That's good to know. The thing is that, uh, we are also, uh, receivers and senders of energy. And we receive a lot of the energy of emotions that are of people around us. So one of the questions that, if you suddenly feel a lot of sadness, then the first question is, is this [00:30:00] from me?

Or did I pick it up? And most of the time, I would say 95%, which is a lot, It's not yours at all. You picked it up. And even what I found, personally, that was, uh, the planet Earth itself can sometimes be in distress. And I pick up the Earth energy that is in distress, you know? And what helps is to know where it comes from, this distress.

And the moment I Identify, the me identifies with the distress, and I don't want it. I put myself in more stress. So it is really, how can we teach ourselves and others? Um, it's all right, don't worry. It's not even yours, you know, to, to recognize

Amanda Parker: what is going on. So how could you identify, I mean, you have a [00:31:00] lot of experience with this, but for people who don't, how do you identify when you say, is this mine?

How do you know?

Blue Star: Sometimes it can take a day before I even come up with a question. Because I really thought I was said. And then suddenly, oh, wait a minute, is this mine? And immediately then, uh, you know, then I can change it. So this, this thing of, uh, the question, the moment of the question, that's a big moment.

It is about awareness. And this is training. Okay. So, and sometimes I even forget.

Amanda Parker: Yeah.

Blue Star: You know, when, when I go to, I live a little bit outside of Amsterdam in a quiet village, and I like Amsterdam, but I forget a lot of stories happened in Amsterdam. And I can pick, uh, pick them up like [00:32:00] that. And then I come back and I'm really, uh, I'm down.

And then I forgot that, oh, typically, uh, I pick up stories that are not mine. So it is, that is training. Ask yourself, uh, is this feeling, does it belong to me? And you kind of, nah. And then for example, what I do, because I sometimes, uh, channel people, Uh, this is, by the way, a very funny question. What is the difference between a spirit with a body or a spirit without a body?

I don't know. Well, the interesting thing is there's no, there's no difference. It's all spirit. And this, uh, is funny, in a way. Yeah, it's, uh, the mind says, Ah, what? [00:33:00] I thought this is my reality. But these days, more and more, everything opens up and connections are faster. We know direct, uh, knowledge. We know direct consciousness.

business of somebody else. That is, uh, an incredible opening because all the vibrations have raised.

Amanda Parker: Um,

Blue Star: which I find very interesting. So we, in that sense, and you hear it say by a lot of people busy with spirituality, we live in very interesting times.

Amanda Parker: So I would love to hear from you. I have a sense of who you are today.

But a lot of this I would love to know how did you get to be here? What was the journey that brought you to this work, to what you do in the world today? I'd love to know more.

Blue Star: I was born the fifth child in a family of eight [00:34:00] and I was raised, my parents were Roman Catholic and I asked always a lot of questions.

And most of the time, I didn't like the answers. I was, um, I don't think so, you know. And I left home when I was 18. And I already had these experiences when I was laying in the garden and looking up to the, to the clouds. And the clouds were changing form. Like we all do when we have children. And then I could suddenly feel I was the cloud.

And I was, whoo, whoo, whoo. And then I felt that funny feeling in my stomach. And, um, so those were interesting things. I wanted to know, for how is this possible? And my mother didn't know this. So she said, ah, be normal. And then I [00:35:00] studied, um, music and psychology. I went to university. Um, and I did a whole thing of primal scream and, um, gestalt therapy and becoming everything you see, because that is, so I learned about perception in that sense.

And then I had, uh, a relation with a man who could, uh, very easily go out of his body. So he taught me how to BBC with Lucid Dreaming, and, but I still didn't know how does it fit together. And then in 1991, I met a medicine man, and I had dreamt him four years before that. And when I met him, I had, oh my God, this is the man I dreamt four years ago.

Wow. Because, yeah, it was a vision at the time. And I was so [00:36:00] nervous. Oh my god. Well, no. In the end, he became my teacher. And, uh, yeah, you have a lot of, uh, actually, I had a lot of frustration that the way I was raised didn't fit what he was telling. So in the beginning, you try to, to make the medicine man wrong.

Amanda Parker: I've done that with many teachers.

Blue Star: I was kind of, uh, prove it, you know, stuff like that. And, uh, One time, I could see that he was suddenly a half a meter bigger, and I was, oh my god, so, you know, that my, I had some funny experiences there. That one side of, you know, it was, so he could change, you could [00:37:00] say, the material world, and his material body.

So that meant that things were not so fixed as I thought they were. So slowly on you, yeah, I had my own experiences. And it always was, uh, yeah, uh, the drumming. So you come in a different state of being. You know, I was the first woman in Holland that played the didgeridoo in 1984 already. And, uh, yeah, I was always, um, we had at the conservatory, we had an exercise that you needed to sing a tone.

And then, uh, one tone up. Ta da da da da da da. For fifteen minutes. And then, ta da da da da da. So it is what we call [00:38:00] tiny. But at a certain moment the teacher said, can you now sing a chord? Ta da And then, that was an incredible space, suddenly. And I was just focusing on these two tones. And then singing a chord instead of a secunda, the two.

The space, the feeling of space was immense. And I said to myself, I wasn't busy with these things at the time, but I said, Whoa, I am in a different space now. And so it is all what works for you. And this is, uh, you find out what works for you. You know, everybody can say, Oh, you've got to do this. You've got to do that.

But you find what works for you. That's good enough. It is your life. You know, people, they invent methods. That is nice. You can try them out. And then you say, nah, [00:39:00] it doesn't resonate for me. Perfect. Eh, you, you find in life, because it's a gift of life to you, you find what, what resonates. And then the simple thing is, if it really makes you happy, you're on the right track.

Amanda Parker: When you had met this medicine man who became your teacher, I mean, I'm still curious to know what then, because I know you have so much influence. Like so many different influences in the work that you do. So was that a moment of meeting this person, this man of saying, Oh, wow, I know my life is about to change.

Was that a commitment to a path of shamanism? What, what happened then for you? He taught

Blue Star: me. the medicine wheel. And you are the center of the world because you are the one perceiving it. So I [00:40:00] was sitting there in my room, uh, and I was going into the northern wind direction, and I was looking in a way into my future, and I could see what was going to happen there.

And indeed that happened later on, and I did the same in the, in the East, and it was suddenly through the medicine wheel that I could place my life and my experiences in, in a circle. And then by doing that, it somehow made sense for me, you know, that I was the one perceiving the world around me. That was, uh, big.

So every time again, and one of the more normal exercises was make no judgements, and I was, oh, I can do that. , . Well, it was one of the [00:41:00] most difficult exercises I got. You know, because apparently I made a judgment on everything. And I, I was not aware, uh, that I was doing that. By being aware that I made judgments all the time, I realized that I was taking away my freedom that things could be different.

And that was amazing. That, by having no judgments, so I have no idea who that person is, could be anything, or I have no idea what a tree is, can be anything, and then I really started to look at the person or a tree or, or, What are you exactly? What can you do? And then feeling my body as resonance. And this is how I taught myself the different languages of nature.

That everything in nature has its own [00:42:00] way of communication. And you can tune in on that. And this is how you reach your own multidimensionality. Because we can alter our own vibration to where a plant, a tree, the sea, the ocean, the water, the fire, they all have their own language. And suddenly the world is no longer the world as I thought it was.

And then I, of course, I couldn't stop. You had a taste of it. Yeah. And then, uh, you know, in my teachings, for example, I have a teaching about getting to know, uh, your crystals. A lot of people, they love their stones, their crystals, but most people do not know that crystal has a spirit.

Amanda Parker: And you

Blue Star: can talk to it, and then suddenly the stone is no longer a stone, it's a friend.[00:43:00] 

Amanda Parker: I am surrounded by crystals, so I might need to get in touch with you to understand who is sitting here with me.

Blue Star: That's great. And, and their beauty is, is amazing. And why do they appeal to us? Because the resonance in us is about beauty then. And color is giving us an uplift. And this is what we call, uh, with the Indians, this is medicine.

So when we talk about medicine, or when I talk about medicine, it is something that uplifts. My spirit. My house is also full of crystals. And when somebody tells me, Van, oh, you really have a lot of crystals. Should you stop buying them. And then I say, how much beauty can one handle[00:44:00] 

And I, I say, well, I'm the keeper of beautiful things, you know, and when I leave this playing, then they go back to others and hopefully they like it. So I, I'm not fixed on them. Um, but they gave me great, uh, happiness.

Amanda Parker: I know that we're nearing the end of our time together. And I have many more questions, but I'll have to save them for another conversation.

But I'd love for you to share with listeners, um, if they're curious to learn more, how they can get in touch with you, maybe. Under which circumstances they should get in touch with you, so anything you want to share there.

Blue Star: I made a website. I realized it is never about me, you know, and so now I made a website [00:45:00] that is, it's called Light Beacon.

Amanda Parker: Mm,

Blue Star: because I would like to help people to find their own light. It is not about Blue Star, you know, I, I do my thing, but you find your own light and, and then we were, then we walk in the world together. So if you find the website of Lights Beacon dot and you and, uh, I will always answer, uh, the mail. So I drum and bring people then in.

a place where you can experience it yourself.

Amanda Parker: So I will link to your website on the show notes. So for anyone who's curious and wants to get in touch, you'll have that link right there. I understand that people can come to you for like private sessions, but you also teach. So if they want to learn how to expand on their own as well, they can come to you for teaching, for learning.

Blue Star: Yes. And

Amanda Parker: that's so much.[00:46:00] 

So is there maybe one last piece of advice that you'd like to give to someone who maybe they're just starting out on this journey, so they're just starting to find their way to themselves or to spirituality and this is sort of new for them. What advice would you give them?

Blue Star: You are already there.

Perfect. It's finding out, uh, what, what makes you tick, what makes you happy. And stop comparing yourself to what others do. unless it is to uplift yourself, but not to put yourself down. I cannot do that, so I'm not good. So it is really, oh, that's interesting. Let me try it. So you always uplift yourself because it's your journey.

It's not the journey of somebody who's doing something else. You [00:47:00] take ownership of your journey.

Amanda Parker: That's perfect. Um, so for anyone who's listening and they really want to expand, um, and the words of Blue Star have resonated with you, as I am sure they have with many, then definitely get in touch. You're listening to this episode for a reason, and you're connecting in right here, right now for a reason.

So Blue Star, I am so grateful. That you have joined me here on, don't step on the bluebells and for sharing all of this really incredible wisdom, so openly and playfully as well. ,

Blue Star: and thank you so much, Amanda, for giving me the opportunity to share a little bit of the jo, the knowledge. Yes. That, so it was a gift.

To me.

Amanda Parker: Ah, to me as well. And to everyone listening, thanks for tuning in to Don't Step on the Blue Bells [00:48:00] and see you soon. Thanks for tuning in to today's episode of Don't Step on the Blue Bells. If you enjoyed this conversation, please give the podcast a five star rating wherever you listen. And don't forget to hit subscribe and follow along so you never miss a new episode.