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    Saskia Nefkens & Rachelle Jenkens

    Healing with Psychic Abilities (#017)

    In this episode, Amanda Parker explores the world of psychic abilities with Saskia Nefkens and Rachelle Jenkens, discussing how to reconnect with one's unique gifts and align with the soul's mission for a more fulfilling life.

    Read the full Show Notes below!

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  • "I think the process is about discovering the essence of you, and that changes all the bloody time."

    - Saskia Nefkens

  • Today's Guest


    Rachelle and Saskia are Not Your Average Psychic and they Channel Universe to guide you back to your most authentic self.


    Globally, they provide guidance in both individual and group settings, retreats and as public speakers at various events.


    They have their own Psychic School and through their background as both psychologists and psychic mediums they provide a learning environment that is both safe, effective and spiritually profound. They started their psychic-teaching journey in 2019 and have noticed an increase in demand from all over the world since then. They have been teaching over 10 groups a year and are the number #1 Psychic School in the Benelux.


    How to get in touch:

    Website: www.notyouraveragepsychic.com/

    Instagram: @notyouraveragepsychic

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  • Show Notes

    In this episode of Don't Step on the Bluebells, host Amanda Parker delves into the world of psychic abilities with Saskia Nefkens and Rachelle Jenkens, founders of "Not Your Average Psychic". They discuss the journey of reconnecting with one's unique psychic gifts to bring magic back to earth and unite the spirit realm with the living. Saskia and Rachelle emphasize that everyone possesses these ever-evolving abilities, and the path to rediscovery involves embracing your authentic self and aligning with your soul's mission, even if it seems illogical to the human mind.


    The key to remembering who you truly are as a soul identity lies in healing and surrendering to the process. Saskia and Rachelle highlight that psychic abilities are beneficial for all walks of life, enriching the human experience, and not just reserved for spiritual practitioners. They suggest that the first steps involve engaging in activities that open your heart, bring you joy, and allow you to fully feel your emotions.


    Through "Not Your Average Psychic", Saskia and Rachelle offer psychic readings, shamanic healing journeys, past life readings, their Psychic School course, and business mentorship. They encourage listeners to embrace their uniqueness and "party it up with the spirit realm" to make life more fun and meaningful. By doing so, individuals can tap into their innate gifts and align with their soul's purpose, leading to a more fulfilling and successful life.

    Key Takeaways

    • Everyone has unique psychic abilities that are constantly evolving, and the journey involves rediscovering your authentic self.
    • Aligning with your soul's mission brings success and fulfillment, even if the path seems illogical to the human mind.
    • Healing and surrendering to the process is crucial for remembering who you truly are as a soul identity.
    • Psychic abilities are beneficial for all walks of life to enrich your human experience, not just for spiritual practitioners.
    • The first steps in reconnecting with your psychic abilities are engaging in activities that open your heart, bring you joy, and allow you to fully feel your emotions.
    • Embracing your uniqueness and "partying it up with the spirit realm" can make life more fun and meaningful.
    • Tapping into your innate gifts and aligning with your soul's purpose can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.
    • Psychic abilities are not a static trait but rather a unique and ever-evolving aspect of each individual.
    • Reconnecting with your psychic abilities is a process that involves healing, surrendering, and embracing your authentic self.
  • What We Talked About

    • Reconnecting with psychic abilities to bring magic back to earth and unite the spirit realm with the living
    • How everyone has unique and ever-evolving psychic abilities
    • The journey of rediscovering one's authentic self and aligning with the soul's mission
    • The importance of healing and surrendering to the process of remembering who you truly are as a soul identity
    • How psychic abilities are beneficial for all walks of life to enrich the human experience
    • The first steps in reconnecting with psychic abilities: engaging in activities that open your heart, bring joy, and allow you to fully feel emotions
    • Embracing uniqueness and "partying it up with the spirit realm" to make life more fun and meaningful
    • Tapping into innate gifts and aligning with the soul's purpose for a more fulfilling and successful life
    • The concept of the soul's mission and its relation to one's unique essence and expression
    • The illogical route of the soul and how it differs from the teachings of the human mind
    • The importance of being exactly where you are supposed to be, even in times of turmoil
    • How children are more connected to different dimensions and have a clearer sense of their desires and aspirations
    • The idea that one doesn't need to be a psychic or shaman to connect with the afterlife

    Guest Quotes

    Rachelle Jenkens:

    • "I think that it’s your soul's mission to be your most unique, authentic self here on earth while you're living on earth."
    • "Bringing them back to themselves helping them realize, Hey, you know what your soul is basically an almighty power because it's part of the universe."
    • "I think the majority of the one to ones that we have with people is people asking us, “So what, why am I here? Why am I here?” Which again is very sad because if you ask a four year old, what would you like to be? Pilot! Doctor! Vet! You know, they have their answer ready."
    • "So there, there is no other place… even if you're going through turmoil, even if you're going through shitty stuff, you are exactly where you're supposed to be."
    • "Opening up your psychic abilities is advantageous. It's like for everyone. It is beneficial for literally everyone. It just enriches your life."


    Saskia Nefkens:

    • "It takes a lot of healing, you know, reconnecting with your soul, with the higher dimensions of consciousness requires a lot of healing and the surrender to that healing process."
    • "I think that's something that a lot of children do, especially when they're super young, you're just tapping in and out of different dimensions in your sleep, in your dreams, and just in your knowingness."
    • "Your soul's mission is not attached to a job title."
    • "I think the process is about discovering the essence of you, and that changes all the bloody time."
    • "You don't need to be a psychic, you know, or a shaman, um, to talk about the afterlife or to connect with the afterlife."
    • “It’s fine to feel uncomfortable because when we are healing we are moving to new territory in our consciousness....it’s part of the journey and so if it feels uncomfortable you’re hitting the sweet spot. Like, something is happening.”


  • Resources to Learn More


  • Terms & Tools to Dig Deeper

    • Clairvoyance: The ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception.
    • Meditation: A practice that involves focusing the mind to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state, often used to connect with one's inner self and the spirit realm.
    • Past Life Reading: A psychic reading that focuses on exploring an individual's past lives to gain insights into their current life and soul's journey.
    • Psychic Abilities: Extrasensory perception or the ability to gather information beyond the normal range of human senses, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition.
    • Psychic Medium: A person who claims to have the ability to communicate with spirits and the deceased.
    • Psychic Reading: A session with a psychic who uses their extrasensory abilities to provide guidance, insight, and predictions about an individual's life.
    • Psychic School: A course offered by "Not Your Average Psychic" that helps individuals rediscover and develop their psychic abilities.
    • Shamanic Healing: A spiritual practice that involves accessing altered states of consciousness to interact with the spirit world and channel energies for healing, guidance, and personal growth.
    • Soul's Mission: The unique purpose or calling that an individual's soul has chosen to fulfill in their current lifetime.
    • Spirit Realm: The non-physical realm where spirits, guides, and deceased loved ones are believed to reside, often accessed through psychic abilities and spiritual practices.
    • Spiritual Entrepreneur: A business program offered by "Not Your Average Psychic" that helps entrepreneurs align their business with their soul's mission and purpose.
  • Read the Full Transcript

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