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    Kerstin Liener - Healing with Constellations (#023)

    In this episode, shamanic practitioner and intuitive healer Kerstin Liener introduces listeners to the transformative power of constellation work, discussing how this technique can reveal and heal generational patterns and traumas, while sharing her journey as a healer and offering insights for those curious about energy work.


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  • "Our head speaks very loudly and our soul usually whispers."

    - Kerstin Liener

  • Today's Guest


    Kerstin is a healer - a shamanic practitioner, coach and intuitive.


    She describes her craft as Soul Medicine, the process of helping people reconnect – with their soul, with the world, with why they’re here – and to help them remember who they truly are by releasing and mending whatever currently stands in the way.


    In her sessions, Kerstin guides her clients to surface and solve deeply subconscious emotional blocks, soul wounds and patterns - whether acquired in their own lifetimes or inherited via their ancestral/family system - that prevent them from being wholly and fully themselves.


    Complementing her individual sessions, she offers both group retreats and individual mentorships that provide a deeper and transformative experience as she firmly believes that everyone has the ability to connect with their own intuition and healing abilities. An important aspect of her work is to create a practical bridge between living in tune with the voice of the soul and navigating the realities of living in the ‘real’ world, and to make this as accessible as possible.


    This process is intuitively supported by a toolkit of both coaching and energy healing techniques, including Family Constellations, Emotion Code®, EMDR and EFT, as well as ancient shamanic crafts such as soul retrieval, ancestral healing, space clearing and extraction/cord cutting which she has been initiated into.


    She trained in shamanic practices with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Europe in their 3-Year-Programme, with Sandra Ingerman, as well as her spiritual guides and ancestors. She is further certified as an Integrated Energy Therapist & Coach, and an Emotion Code® practitioner (Discover Health, Dr. Bradley Nelson).



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  • Show Notes

    In this episode, Kerstin Liener, a shamanic practitioner, coach, and intuitive healer, shares her journey into the world of healing, particularly focusing on the powerful technique of constellation work. This method, developed by Bert Hellinger in the late 1970s, allows individuals to explore and heal dynamics within their family systems and other aspects of their lives.


    Kerstin explains how constellation work can reveal hidden patterns and traumas, even those passed down through generations. She describes the process as a way to physically observe relationships between different parts of a system, whether represented by people in a group setting or figurines on a table. This tangible representation allows clients to see, experience, and ultimately heal deep-seated issues.


    Throughout the conversation, Kerstin emphasizes the importance of accessibility in healing work. She discusses her unique approach of combining various modalities, including shamanic practices, EMDR, and emotional code work, to meet clients where they are. Kerstin also touches on the challenges of transitioning from a corporate career to healing work and the process of "coming out of the spiritual closet." The episode concludes with valuable advice for aspiring healers and information on how listeners can connect with Kerstin for sessions, either in person or remotely.

    Key Takeaways

    • Constellation work is a powerful healing technique that reveals and addresses hidden dynamics within family systems and other aspects of life.
    • Energy healing can be effective both in person and remotely, as energy is not bound by physical distance.
    • Many people carry generational traumas or patterns that can be healed through various modalities, including constellation work and shamanic practices.
    • Accessibility in healing work is crucial; combining different modalities can help meet clients where they are in their journey.
    • The transition from a conventional career to healing work can be challenging but rewarding, often involving personal growth and "coming out of the spiritual closet."
    • Aspiring healers are encouraged to start small, working with trusted friends and family before expanding their practice.
    • Healing work is not just about fixing something broken, but about returning to one's true self or "factory settings."
  • What We Talked About

    • Introduction to constellation work and its origins
    • How constellation work reveals family dynamics and generational patterns
    • The process of conducting a constellation session
    • Combining constellation work with other healing modalities
    • The effectiveness of remote healing and energy work
    • Kerstin's journey from a corporate career to becoming a healer
    • The challenge of "coming out of the spiritual closet" as a healer
    • The importance of accessibility in healing work
    • How healers often attract clients that mirror their own healing journey
    • Advice for aspiring healers and those curious about energy work
    • The concept of healing as returning to one's true self
    • How Kerstin works with clients both in-person and remotely
    • The locations where Kerstin offers her services (Hamburg, Germany and South Africa)

    Guest Quotes

    • "I provoke healing in you. That's what I do."
    • "Unless it's a loud yes, it's a no."
    • "Our head speaks very loudly and our soul usually whispers."
    • "You're the person healing. You're the person doing the work. I'm here to help you."
    • "I think healing is about coming back to factory settings."
    • "We all find our way to each other in closer connection with each other and seeing each other more clearly and the world around us and everything."
    • "I've sort of learned to never really underestimate how open people are and how many people feel very similar, even if they don't quite know it yet."
    • "Every time you heal, you get healing. There's always a little thank you from the universe."
    • "One of the most important skills we bring is our empathy and we can't empathize if we don't experience some of these things ourselves."
    • "If all you ever end up doing is help your best friend through a divorce, that's great. And it's enough."
  • Resources to Learn More

    • The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (Europe): Offers workshops and training in core shamanism. https://www.shamanism.eu/en/
    • Sandra Ingerman: Mentioned as a prominent figure in shamanic practice and teaching https://www.sandraingerman.com/
    • Bert Hellinger Instituut Nederland: Offers training in systemic work and constellation therapy. https://hellingerinstituut.nl/en/
    • EMDR International Association: Provides information and training in EMDR therapy. https://www.emdria.org/
    • The Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming: Offers certification and information about NLP. www.anlp.org
    • Discover Healing: Official site for learning about and getting certified in Emotion Code. www.discoverhealing.com
  • Terms & Tools to Dig Deeper

    • Ancestors: In the context of healing work, refers to both known and unknown predecessors who may have passed down traumas or patterns.
    • Bert Hellinger: German psychotherapist who developed the systemic constellation work in the late 1970s.
    • Constellation Work: A therapeutic method that reveals hidden dynamics in family systems or other aspects of life, often involving representatives for family members or abstract concepts.
    • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): A psychotherapy treatment designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories.
    • Emotion Code: A form of energy healing that aims to identify and release trapped emotions.
    • Energy Healing: Various practices that manipulate the energy fields around the body to effect healing.
    • Family Systems: The concept that individuals are inseparable from their network of relationships, particularly within the family.
    • NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming): A psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal.
    • Pendulum: A tool used in various spiritual and healing practices for divination or to answer yes/no questions.
    • Playmobil Figurines: Small toy figures used by Kerstin in some constellation work sessions to represent family members or concepts.
    • Shamanic Journey: A technique used in shamanic practices to enter an altered state of consciousness and interact with the spirit world.
    • Shamanic Practice: Ancient healing traditions that involve reaching altered states of consciousness to interact with the spirit world.
    • Soul Retrieval: A shamanic healing practice that aims to recover and reintegrate lost parts of a person's soul or essence.
    • Spirit Guides: Non-physical entities that practitioners believe offer guidance and support in spiritual or healing work.
  • Read the Full Transcript

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