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    Danielle Van de Velde - Healing with Reiki (#011)

    In this episode, Reiki master teacher Dani Van de Velde shares powerful stories and insights about the transformative power of Reiki energy healing. She explains how Reiki works by channeling universal life force energy to promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, often incorporating intuitive messages and mystical elements like mediumship.

    Read the full Show Notes below!

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  • "Reiki opens up perception to more subtle energies and expands awareness - it can enhance intuition and psychic senses.”

    - Danielle Van de Velde

  • Today's Guest

    Danielle Van de Velde

    Dani Van de Velde helps others understand and master the art of meditation, transformative inner practice and healing through private coaching, energy sessions, courses and tailored programs for individuals, schools and organisations. She is also a popular speaker at networking forums and workshops, a published writer, podcaster and music producer and holds regular retreats in Asia and Australia.


    Dani is a Reiki Master in the Usui Reiki tradition and qualified meditation teacher, through the Awareness Institute, Australia. She is a member of the Meditation Association of Australia and the International Meditation Teachers’ Association, recognising the standard of her teaching and program development. Dani’s teaching is experiential. She draws from techniques and wisdom of numerous world traditions, current research and her own experience. Her focus is on enabling others to understand and work with the design and function of their mind/body/energy system, to engage in transformative inner practice for maximum performance, self-healing and intuitive living. 


    How to get in touch:


    Website: www.daniellevandevelde.com

    Membership: Spirited Living Community

    Insight Timer: Dani's Meditations

    Facebook: Dani's Facebook Profile

    Instagram: @spiritedlivingbydani

    LinkedIn: Dani's LinkedIn Profile

    Podcast: The Modern Crone

    Media: Contact for Inquiries

    Spirited Book: Spirited by Dani

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  • Show Notes

    In this episode, Reiki master teacher Dani Van de Velde dives deep into the transformative power of Reiki energy healing. She explains how Reiki works by channeling universal life force energy to promote balance and healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.


    Dani shares powerful stories of Reiki's ability to address a wide range of issues, from chronic pain to fertility challenges to emotional blocks. She emphasizes that Reiki is an intelligent energy that goes where it's most needed, guided by the client's innate healing wisdom.


    But Dani's Reiki sessions go beyond the basics - she often incorporates intuitive messages, mediumship and even past life information that comes through during the healing process. She shares incredible experiences of feeling the moment of a client's conception, communicating with their angels and guides, and witnessing spontaneous physical shifts like bones straightening before her eyes.


    While these mystical elements are profound, Dani is quick to point out that Reiki is not a magic bullet. It works best in conjunction with other modalities like meditation, therapy and a healthy lifestyle. She sees Reiki as a way to empower clients to become active participants in their own healing journey.


    Throughout the episode, Dani and Amanda also discuss the importance of working with a qualified Reiki practitioner, the power of distance healing, and the role of intention and belief in the healing process. They emphasize that Reiki is not just a temporary fix, but a tool for deep transformation on all levels.


    Whether you're a curious skeptic or a devoted energy healing enthusiast, this episode will expand your understanding of what's possible with Reiki. Dani's grounded wisdom and incredible stories are sure to inspire you to explore the power of universal life force energy for yourself.

    Key Takeaways

    • Reiki is a form of energy healing that taps into the universal life force energy to promote healing and harmony in the body. It helps bring the body back into balance.
    • Reiki can help with physical issues, mental/emotional issues, reducing stress, improving sleep, and more. It is an intelligent, guided energy that goes where it is needed in the body.
    • Reiki relies on the practitioner running the energy through themselves to the client. The quality and technique of the practitioner matters. It works at deeper levels when the practitioner has a more conscious relationship with Reiki energy.
    • Reiki opens up perception and expands awareness. It can enhance intuition and psychic senses. Other phenomena like feeling the presence of guides/angels can happen during sessions.
    • Reiki complements other therapies. It is used alongside Western medicine for things like cancer treatment to help with side effects.
    • Permission, intention, and being in a receptive state are important in Reiki. Distant healing over Zoom/phone is possible but in-person is often more powerful.
    • Reiki can help in unexpected ways, like fertility, healing ancestral patterns, releasing emotions, improving relationships, straightening bones(!), and more. The effects can unfold over time.
    • Consistent Reiki practice keeps your system tuned up. It's beneficial even without a specific complaint or issue.
    • Having a daily spiritual practice of some kind is important - meditation, journaling, time in nature, etc. Feed your spirit daily.
  • What We Talked About

    • What Reiki is and how it works to bring harmony and healing to the body and mind
    • Amazing stories of Reiki healing physical issues and unexpected problems
    • How Reiki enhances intuition, psychic senses, and spiritual awareness
    • Why having a daily spiritual practice is so important for overall wellbeing
    • How the quality of the Reiki practitioner matters deeply
    • Tips for trying Reiki and finding a qualified Reiki healer
    • How Reiki can complement other therapies and treatments
    • Dani's unique approach to Reiki that integrates coaching, mediumship, sound healing and more

    Guest Quotes

    • “Anything living basically is an organization of information in the form of vibrating energy”
    • "Reiki is an energy healing modality that taps into universal life force energy to bring harmony where there's disharmony and dis-ease."
    • "Reiki has the ability to bring harmony to dissonance, and that's why it's such an effective healing modality."
    • "Reiki opens up perception to more subtle energies and expands awareness - it can enhance intuition and psychic senses."
    • "Having a daily spiritual practice is so important—just like you eat every day, you've gotta feed your spirit every day as well."
    • "Reiki is not just for relaxation. With a conscious relationship with this force, you start to see what is really possible."
    • "My preference is that my clients get to a point where they never have to come back - a proper transformative healing experience where their whole game changes."
    • "Reiki relies on the practitioner running the energy through themselves to the client. The quality and technique of the practitioner really matters."
    • "Reiki can help in unexpected ways, like fertility, healing ancestral patterns, releasing emotions, improving relationships, straightening bones(!), and more."
    • "Having a daily spiritual practice of some kind is important – meditation, journaling, time in nature, etc. Feed your spirit daily."
    • "Reiki complements other therapies. It is used alongside Western medicine for things like cancer treatment to help with side effects."
    • "When you step towards Reiki and your spiritual practice, it steps towards you."
    • "Reiki is not just for relaxation. With a conscious relationship with this force, you start to see what is really possible."
    • "There is enormous healing power in touch alone. I'm always amazed how many people just need caring, compassionate touch."
    • "Reiki is the essential, vital frequency of life force energy. It brings harmony where there is disharmony or dis-ease."
  • Terms & Tools to Dig Deeper

    • Angelic Reiki: A form of Reiki that involves working with angel energy
    • Archangel Michael: A powerful archangel known for protection and guidance
    • Attunement (in Reiki): A process of opening a person's energy channels to Reiki
    • Chakras: Energy centers in the body
    • Clairgustance: Psychic sense of taste or smell
    • Distance healing: Sending healing energy to someone remotely, in another location (or time and place)
    • Energy arts: Practices that work with subtle energy, like Reiki, Tai Chi, etc.
    • Energy hygiene: Practices to keep one's energy field clean and balanced
    • Fertility: The ability to conceive and bear children
    • Guided meditation: A meditation led by a teacher or recording
    • Homeopathy: A alternative medicine system based on "like cures like"
    • Intuition: The ability to understand something instinctively
    • Koshas: From yogic philosophy, these are the five layers or sheaths that make up the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the Self.
    • Mediumship: Communicating with spirits of the deceased
    • Meridians: Energy pathways in the body used in acupuncture and other practices
    • Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR): A program using mindfulness to reduce stress
    • Neuroscience: The study of the nervous system and brain
    • Psychic development: Developing one's intuitive and psychic abilities
    • Psychonaut: A person who uses altered states of consciousness, intentionally induced, to investigate his or her mind
    • Quantum science: The study of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level
    • Reiki: A healing technique using universal life force energy
    • Reiki symbols: Sacred symbols used in Reiki to direct energy
    • Sacred smoke: Using smoke from burning sage, palo santo, or other herbs for cleansing
    • Shamanism: An ancient practice involving interacting with the spirit world for healing
    • Sound healing: Using sound vibrations for healing and relaxation
    • Spiritual practice: Regular activities to connect with one's spirituality
    • Tai Chi: A Chinese martial art and moving meditation
    • Usui Reiki tradition: The original system of Reiki developed by Mikao Usui
    • Visualization: Using mental imagery for healing or manifestation
    • Western medicine: Conventional allopathic medicine as practiced in the West
    • Yoga: A mind-body practice originating in India for health and relaxation
  • Read the Full Transcript

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